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George H. Mead was Professor of Philosophy at the University of Chicago from 1894 to 1931. See George Cronk's article on G. H. Mead.
On Mead's life and thought, see Hans Joas, G. H. Mead: A Contemporary Re-examination of His Thought (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1985), and Gary A. Cook, George Herbert Mead: The Making of a Social Pragmatist (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1993). While now somewhat dated, the largest bibliography of works about Mead is Richard F. Lowy, "George Herbert Mead: A Bibliography of the Secondary Literaure with Relevant Symbolic Interactionist References," Studies in Symbolic Interactionism, vol. 7 part B (1986): 459-521.
The George H. Mead Papers at the University of Chicago.
A Chronological Bibliography
Sources: Hans Joas, G. H. Mead; Gary Cook, George Herbert Mead; John Shook, Pragmatism: An Annotated Bibliography, 1898-1940 (Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi, 1998); Lloyd Gordon Ward of the Mead Project at Brock University; and information from Harold L. Orbach.
"The Relation of Art to Morality." Oberlin Review 9 (1881): 63-64.
"Charles Lamb." Oberlin Review 10 (1882-3): 15-16.
"De Quincy." Oberlin Review 10 (1882-3): 50-52.
"John Locke." Oberlin Review 10 (1882-3): 217-219.
"Republican Persecution." The Nation 39 (1884): 519-520.
"The Problem of Psychological Measurement." Abstract of a paper read to the second annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Proceedings of the American Psychological Association (New York: Macmillan, 1894), pp. 22-23.
"The Greek Mysteries." An abstract of a paper presented to the Philosophical Society of the University of Michigan, January 1894. University of Michigan, University Record 3 (1894): 102.
"Herr Lasswitz on Energy and Epistemology." Psychological Review 1 (1894): 172-175.
"Review of K. Lasswitz, Die Moderne Energetik in ihrer Bedeutung fur die Erkenntniskritik." Psychological Review 1 (1894): 210-213.
"A Theory of Emotions from the Physiological Standpoint." Abstract of a paper read to the third annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, 1894. Psychological Review 2 (1895): 162-164.
"Review of C. L. Morgan, An Introduction to Comparative Psychology." Psychological Review 2 (1895): 399-402.
"Some Aspects of Greek Philosophy." The University [of Chicago] Record 1 (1896): 42.
"The Relation of Play to Education." University [of Chicago] Record 1 (1896): 140-145.
"Review of G. Class, Untersuchungen zur Phanomenologie und Ontologie des menschlichen Geistes." American Journal of Theology 1 (1897): 789-792.
"The Child and His Environment." Transactions of the Illinois Society for Child-Study 3 (1898): 1-11.
"The Working Hypothesis in Social Reform." American Journal of Sociology 5 (1899): 367-371. Pp. 369-371 are reprinted in Selected Writings (1964), pp. 3-5.
"Review of G. Le Bon, The Psychology of Socialism." American Journal of Sociology 5 (1899): 404-412.
"Suggestions Towards a Theory of the Philosophical Disciplines." Philosophical Review 9.1 (Jan 1900): 1-17. Reprinted in Selected Writings (1964), pp. 6-24.
"Review of G. Simmel, Philosophie des Geldes." Journal of Political Economy 9 (1900-1): 616-619.
"A New Criticism of Hegelianism: Is It Valid?" American Journal of Theology 5.1 (Jan 1901): 87-96.
"The Definition of the Psychical." Decennial Publications of the University of Chicago, First Series, Vol. 3 (Chicago: University of Chicago, 1903), pp. 77-112. Pp. 77-78 and 92-112 are reprinted in Selected Writings (1964), pp. 25-59.
"The Basis for a Parents' Association." Elementary School Teacher 4 (1903-4): 375-391.
"The Relations of Psychology and Philology." Psychological Bulletin 1.11 (15 Oct 1904): 375-391.
"Image or Sensation." Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 1.22 (27 Oct 1904): 604-607.
"Review of D. Draghiscesco, Du Role de l'individu dans le determinisme social and Le Probleme du determinisme, determinisme biologique et determinisme social." Psychological Bulletin 2.12 (15 Dec 1905): 399-405.
"Review of Paul Jacoby, Etudes sur la selection chez l'homme." Psychological Bulletin 2.12 (15 Dec 1905): 407-412.
"Science in the High School." School Review 14 (1906): 237-249.
"The Teaching of Science in College." Science n.s. 24 (1906): 390-397. Reprinted in Selected Writings (1964), pp. 60-72.
"The Imagination in Wundt's Treatment of Myth and Religion." Psychological Bulletin 3.12 (15 Dec 1906): 393-399.
"Review of Jane Addams, The Newer Ideals of Peace." American Journal of Sociology 13 (1907): 121-128.
"Editorial Notes." School Review 15 (1907): 160-165.
"The Educational Situation in the Chicago Public Schools." City Club Bulletin 1 (1907-8): 131-138.
"The Relation of Imitation to the Theory of Animal Perception." Abstract of a paper read to the fifteenth annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, 1906. Psychological Bulletin 4.7 (15 July 1907): 210-211.
"Concerning Animal Perception." Psychological Review 14.6 (Nov 1907): 383-390. Reprinted in Selected Writings (1964), pp. 73-81.
"Review of Henri Bergson, L'Evolution creatrice." Psychological Bulletin 4.12 (15 Dec 1907): 379-384.
"The Social Settlement, Its Basis and Function." The University [of Chicago] Record o.s. 12 (1907-8): 108-110.
"Educational Aspects of Trade Schools." Union Labor Advocate 8 (1908): 19-20.
"The Philosophical Basis of Ethics." International Journal of Ethics 18.3 (April 1908): 311-323. Reprinted in Selected Writings (1964), pp. 82-93.
"Editorial Notes." Elementary School Teacher 8 (1907-8): 281-284.
"Industrial Education and Trade Schools, Editorial Note." Elementary School Teacher 8 (1907-8): 402-406.
"Review of William McDougall, An Introduction to Social Psychology." Psychological Bulletin 5.12 (15 Dec 1908): 385-391.
"Review of Paul Gaultier, L'Ideal moderne." Psychological Bulletin 5.12 (15 Dec 1908): 403-404.
"Editorial Notes." Elementary School Teacher 9 (1908-9): 156-157.
"Editorial Notes." Elementary School Teacher 9 (1908-9): 212-214.
"Editorial Notes." Elementary School Teacher 9 (1908-9): 327-328.
"Industrial Education, the Working-Man, and the School." Elementary School Teacher 9 (1908-9): 369-383.
"Editorial Notes." Elementary School Teacher 9 (1908-9): 433-434.
"The Adjustment of Our Industry to Surplus and Unskilled Labor." Proceedings of the National Conference of Charities and Corrections 34 (1909): 401-408.
"Social Psychology as Counterpart to Physiological Psychology." Psychological Bulletin 6.12 (15 Dec 1909): 401-408. Reprinted in Selected Writings (1964), pp. 94-104.
"What Social Objects Must Psychology Presuppose?" Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 7.7 (31 March 1910): 174-180. Abstract in Psychological Bulletin 7.2 (15 Feb 1910): 52-53. Reprinted in Selected Writings (1964), pp. 105-113.
"The Psychology of Social Consciousness Implied in Instruction." Science n.s. 31 (1910): 688-693. Reprinted in Selected Writings (1964), pp. 114-122.
"Social Consciousness and the Consciousness of Meaning." Psychological Bulletin 7.12 (15 Dec 1910): 397-405. Reprinted in Selected Writings (1964), pp. 123-133.
"Review of Warner Fite, Individualism: Four Lectures on the Significance of Consciousness for Social Relations." Psychological Bulletin 8 (1911): 323-328.
"Review of B. M. Anderson, Jr., Social Value, A Study in Economic Theory." Psychological Bulletin 8 (1911): 432-436.
"Exhibit of the City Club Committee on Public Education." City Club Bulletin 5 (1912): 9.
"A Report on Vocational Training in Chicago and in other Cities." By a committee of the City Club. City Club Bulletin 5 (1912): 116.
"Remarks on Labor Night Concerning Participation of Representatives of Labor in the City Club." City Club Bulletin 5 (1912): 214-215.
"The Mechanism of Social Consciousness." Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 9.15 (18 July 1912): 401-406. Abstract in Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 9.13 (20 June 1912): 355. Reprinted in Selected Writings (1964), pp. 134-141.
"A Report of the Public Education Committee of the City Club of Chicago upon Issues involved in the proposed legislation for Vocational Education In Illinois containing also a Suggested Draft of A Bill and A Statement and some Discussion of Underlying Principles." City Club Bulletin 5 (1912): 373-383.
"The Social Self." Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 10.14 (3 July 1913): 374-380. Abstract in Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 10.12 (5 June 1913): 324-325. Reprinted in Selected Writings (1964), pp. 142-149.
"A Heckling School Board and an Educational Stateswoman." Survey 31 (1914): 443-444.
"The Larger Educational Bearings of Vocational Guidance." In Readings in Vocational Guidance, ed. Meyer Bloomfield (Boston: 1915), pp. 43-55.
"Constitutional and Political Guarantees." Summary by W. F. Dodd. Philosophical Review 24.2 (March 1915): 193-194.
"Natural Rights and the Theory of the Political Institution." Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 12.6 (18 March 1915): 141-155. Reprinted in Selected Writings (1964), pp. 150-170.
"Madison: The Passage of the University of Wisconsin through the state political agitation of 1914; the survey by William H. Allen and his staff and the legislative fight of 1915, with the indications these offer of the place the state university holds in the community." Survey 35 (1915): 349-351, 354-361.
"The Psychological Bases of Internationalism." Survey 33 (1915): 604-607.
"A Rejoinder." Survey 35 (1915): 607, 610.
"Professor Hoxie and the Community." University of Chicago Magazine 9 (1916-7): 114-117.
"Scientific Method and Individual Thinker." In Creative Intelligence: Essays in the Pragmatic Attitude, by John Dewey et al. (New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1917), pp. 176-227. A portion of Moore's essay, pp. 101-117, was read at the sixteenth annual meeting of the Western Philosophical Association, at Washington University, April 21 and 22, 1916. An abstract of this reading, "Neo-Realistic Logic and Science," is in Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 13.14 (6 July 1916): 384.
"The Conscientious Objector." National Security League, Patriotism through Education Series, Pamphlet No. 33. New York: 1917.
"Josiah Royce - A Personal Impression." International Journal of Ethics 27.2 (Jan 1917): 168-170.
"Germany's Crisis - Its Effect on Labor, Part I." Chicago Herald (26 July 1917).
"Germany's Crisis - Its Effect on Labor, Part II." Chicago Herald (27 July 1917).
"War Issues to U. S. Forced by Kaiser." Chicago Herald (2 August 1917).
"America's Ideals and the War." Chicago Herald (3 August 1917).
"Democracy's Issues in the World War." Chicago Herald (4 August 1917).
"Review of Edith Abbott and Sophonisba P. Breckinridge, Truancy and Non-Attendance in the Chicago Schools." Survey 38 (1917): 369-370.
"The Psychology of Punitive Justice." American Journal of Sociology 23 (1918): 577-602. Reprinted in Selected Writings (1964), pp. 212-239.
"Review of Thorsten Veblen, The Nature of Peace and the Terms of Its Perpetuation." Journal of Political Economy 26 (1918): 752-762.
"Social Work, Standards of Living and the War." Proceedings of the National Conference of Social Work 45 (1918): 637-644.
"Mead Answers McCormick as to the League of Nations." Chicago Evening Post (7 March 1919).
"The League and the Community." Bulletin of the Vocational Supervision League (15 April 1919): 1.
"A Translation of Wundt's Folk Psychology." American Journal of Theology 23 (1919): 533-536.
"Retiring President's Address." City Club Bulletin 13 (1920): 94-95.
"Idea." Article in A Dictionary of Religion and Ethics, ed. Shailer Mathews and Gerald Birney Smith (New York: Macmillan, 1921), pp. 215-216.
"Ideal." Article in A Dictionary of Religion and Ethics, ed. Shailer Mathews and Gerald Birney Smith (New York: Macmillan, 1921), p. 216.
"Individualism." Article in A Dictionary of Religion and Ethics, ed. Shailer Mathews and Gerald Birney Smith (New York: Macmillan, 1921), p. 222.
"Infinity." Article in A Dictionary of Religion and Ethics, ed. Shailer Mathews and Gerald Birney Smith (New York: Macmillan, 1921), p. 223.
"Law of Nature, Natural Law." Article in A Dictionary of Religion and Ethics, ed. Shailer Mathews and Gerald Birney Smith (New York: Macmillan, 1921), pp. 254-255.
"A Behavioristic Account of the Significant Symbol." Journal of Philosophy 19.6 (16 March 1922): 157-163. Reprinted in Selected Writings (1964), pp. 240-247.
"Scientific Method and the Moral Sciences." International Journal of Ethics 33.3 (April 1923): 229-247. Reprinted in Selected Writings (1964), pp. 248-266.
"Ella Adams Moore." Bulletin of the Vocational Supervision League, 1924.
"Review of E. W. Hobson, The Domain of Natural Science." Journal of Religion 4 (1924): 324-327.
"The Genesis of the Self and Social Control." International Journal of Ethics 35.3 (April 1925): 251-277. Reprinted in The Philosophy of the Present (1932), pp. 176-195. Selected Writings (1964), pp. 267-293.
"The Nature of Aesthetic Experience." International Journal of Ethics 36.4 (July 1926): 382-393. Reprinted in part in The Philosophy of the Act (1938), pp. 454-459. Reprinted in Selected Writings (1964), pp. 294-305.
"The Objective Reality of Perspectives." In Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Philosophy, ed. Edgar S. Brightman (New York: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1927), pp. 75-85. Reprinted in The Philosophy of the Present (1932), pp. 161-175, and Selected Writings (1964), pp. 306-319.
"The Nature of the Past." In Essays in Honor of John Dewey, ed. John J. Coss (New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1929), pp. 235-242. Reprinted in Selected Writings (1964), pp. 345-354.
"A Pragmatic Theory of Truth." In University of California Publications in Philosophy, vol. 11, no. 3 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1929), pp. 65-88. Reprinted in Selected Writings (1964), pp. 320-344.
"Bishop Berkeley and his Message." Journal of Philosophy 26.16 (1 Aug 1929): 421-430.
"National-Mindedness and International-Mindedness." International Journal of Ethics 39 (1929): 385-407. Pp. 392-407 are reprinted in Selected Writings (1964), pp. 355-370.
"Philanthropy from the Point of View of Ethics." In Intelligent Philanthropy, ed. Ellsworth Faris, Ferris Laune, and Arthur Todd (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1930), pp. 133-148. Reprinted in Selected Writings (1964), pp. 392-407.
"The Philosophies of Royce, James, and Dewey in Their American Setting." In John Dewey: The Man and His Philosophy, Addresses delivered in New York in Celebration of his Seventieth Birthday (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press; London, Oxford University Press, 1930), pp. 75-105. Also published in International Journal of Ethics 40.2 (Jan 1930): 211-231, and reprinted in The Development of American Philosophy: A Book of Readings, ed. Laurence Sears and Walter G. Muelder (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1940), pp. 319-329, and Selected Writings (1964), pp. 371-391.
"Cooley's Contribution to American Social Thought." American Journal of Sociology 35 (1930): 693-706. Reprinted in On Social Psychology: Selected Papers, ed. Anselm L. Strauss (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1964), pp. 293-307.
"Doctor Moore's Philosophy." University [of Chicago] Record n.s. 17.1
(January 1931): 47-49.
Posthumous Publications
The Philosophy of the Present. Edited by Arthur E. Murphy. La Salle, Ill.: Open Court, 1932. Contents: Murphy's "Introduction," pp. xi-xxxv, and Dewey's "Prefatory Remarks," pp. xxxvi-xl. The chapters are Mead's Paul Carus Lectures, read in December 1930. Chap. 1, "The Present as the Locus of Reality," pp. 1-31. Chap. 2, "Emergence and Identity," pp. 32-46. Chap. 3, "The Social Nature of the Present," pp. 47-68. Chap. 4, "The Implications of the Self," pp. 68-90. The first three supplementary essays, "Empirical Realism," pp. 93-118, "The Physical Thing," pp. 119-139, and "Scientific Objects and Experience," pp. 140-160, were selected from preliminary drafts of the Carus Lectures. Essay four is a reprint of "The Objective Reality of Perspectives" (1927), pp. 161-175. Essay five is a reprint of "The Genesis of the Self and Social Control" (1925), pp. 176-195.
Mind, Self, and Society from the Standpoint of a Social Behaviorist. Edited by Charles W. Morris. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1934.
"The Philosophy of John Dewey." International Journal of Ethics 46.1 (Oct 1935): 64-81 .
Movements of Thought in the Nineteenth Century. Edited by Merritt H. Moore. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1936.
The Philosophy of the Act. Edited by Charles W. Morris in collaboration with J. M. Brewster, A. M. Dunham, and D. L. Miller. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1938. A collection of unpublished material, with an "Introduction" (pp. vii-lxxiii) and Henry C. A. Mead's "Biographical Notes" (pp. lxxv-lxxix). Part 1 is "General Analysis of Knowledge and the Act," Part 2 is "Perceptual and Manipulatory Phases of the Act," Part 3 is "Cosmology," Part 4 is "Value and the Act," and Part 5 is "Supplementary Essays."
The Social Psychology of George Herbert Mead. Edited and introduced (pp. iv-xvi) by Anselm L. Strauss. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1956. Second revised edition, with a new introduction on pp. vii-xxv, published as On Social Psychology: Selected Papers (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1964). The second edition was reprinted as George Herbert Mead on Social Psychology (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1972 and 1985). Contents of first edition: pp. 1-51, 75-82, 90-100, 117-134, 135-178, 200-213, 222-226, 260-267, 281-289, 303-311, 317-328 of Mind, Self and Society (1934); pp. 153-168, 360-385, 456-466 of Movements of Thought in the Nineteenth Century (1936); pp. 2-25, 45-62, 92-100, 357-376, 412-420 of The Philosophy of the Act (1938). Contents of second edition: pp. 1-134, 135-226, 260-328 of Mind, Self and Society (1934); pp. 153-168, 360-385, 386-404, 456-466, 503-510 of Movements of Thought in the Nineteenth Century (1936); pp. 45-62, 92-100, 357-420 of The Philosophy of the Act (1938); "Cooley's Contribution to American Social Thought" (1930); brief selections on time from The Philosophy of the Present (1932); and "The Objective Reality of Perspectives" (1927).
"Relative Space-Time and Simultaneity." Edited by David L. Miller. Review of Metaphysics 17 (1963-4): 514-535.
"Metaphysics." Edited by David L. Miller. Review of Metaphysics 17 (1963-4): 536-556.
Selected Writings: G. H. Mead. Edited by Andrew Reck. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1964.
"Mead on the Child and the School." Edited by Darnell Rucker. School and Society 44 (1968): 148-152.
The Individual and the Social Self: Unpublished Work of George Herbert Mead. Edited by David L. Miller. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982.
"George Herbert Mead: An unpublished essay on Royce and James." Edited by Gary A. Cook. Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 28 (1992): 583-592.
"George Herbert Mead: An unpublished essay review of Dewey's Human Nature and Conduct." Edited by Gary A. Cook. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 30 (1994): 374-379.