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classical recent
Charles Peirce
William James
F.C.S. Schiller
John Dewey
George Mead
Jane Addams
James Tufts
Edward Ames
Alain Locke
Charles Morris
C. I. Lewis
W. V. Quine
Sidney Hook
Hilary Putnam
Richard Rorty
Nicholas Rescher
Larry Laudan
Joseph Margolis
Paul Kurtz
Mark Johnson
Susan Haack
Cornel West


Society for the Advancement of
American Philosophy

Institute for American Thought

Charles S. Peirce Society

Arisbe: The Peirce Gateway

Grupo de Estudios Peirceanos

Institute for Studies in Pragmaticism

William James Society

William James Cybrary

John Dewey Society

Center for Dewey Studies

The Mead Project

Centro de Estudos em Filosofia Americana

more organizations...



The Eclipse of pragmatism?

There has been much talk of pragmatism's "eclipse" during analytic philosophy's greatest dominance from 1950 to 1990. The myth must be corrected: pragmatism was never eclipsed. While pragmatism was a prominent competitor with rival neo-idealisms and new realisms during the first two decades of the 20th century, pragmatism had few representatives across the top twenty philosophy departments. Already quite marginalized in the 1920s and 1930s, the handful of pragmatist professors such as Dewey at Columbia and Mead at Chicago encouraged many of their students to go into psychology, sociology, anthropology, linguistics, education, and economics. Many of the best new minds favorable towards pragmatism strongly influenced the social sciences during the 1940s - 1980s.


Where do Pragmatists Come From?

Nearly 300 scholars are included in the Cybrary's lists of philosophy professors whose research and teaching interests include pragmatism. Where did they come from? Which doctoral programs turn out graduates who learned about pragmatism and maintained that interest in their careers? The Pragmatism Cybrary won't rate PhD programs for quality or job placement, but these numbers let you draw your own conclusions. Note that most of these programs have turned out pragmatists for generations.


Spotlight: Pragmatism in Philosophy of Mind

Pragmatism was the original functional psychology and cognitive science that (1) explains intelligence in terms of deliberate purposive conduct, and (2) explains knowledge as successful predictions about manipulating nature. Experience and mind are not limited to, or reducible to, brain events -- experience, mind, and the like are evolving natural systems of organism-environment transactions.